Posted in Life's Gifts

Good Friday

Note: This article is not an attempt to deconstruct the meanings of religious practices. Also, I do not represent any religious congregation nor do I belong to any of it. This article is highly-opinionated and based on experiences. Should you find this article offensive or against your viewpoints, you may check out my other articles pertaining to other subjects.

Being raised in a family whose religion is Roman Catholic, I have experienced various religious practices that I have long been so curious about. As the years go by, I have gradually and beautifully discovered the meanings attached to it and yet, the quest for meaning still goes on and on, perhaps until the day I die.

Today is Good Friday.

When I was a kid, I was really curious why we commemorate the death of the Lord and call it a Good Friday. I mean, if I die, I wouldn’t want anyone calling it as something good, right? It’s as if they’re rejoicing that I died. All these years, I have been attending different religious activities. I have even been to activities engaged into by different religions who do not coerce me to be their member, but encourages me to continuously “seek for the truth and seek Jesus.”

Because of this quest, I found a reason why they call it “GOOD.” Someone has died for all of us, to redeem us from sins so we may live. Good is actually an understatement. So, I have already accepted the phrase “Good Friday,” as a symbol of God’s love for humankind and all His creatures.

Growing up in a city where religion and spirituality are of topmost significance, I have witnessed:

The Procession

My grandparents, who were “closed” Catholics and conservatives, would always tag us along during religious processions wherein the participants would walk a 3 to 5-kilometer route praying and reciting the Rosary. Again, my own definition of “closed,” meaning they strictly observe all the religious activities all throughout the year and by “conservative,” I mean that they strictly adhere to the cultural practices they grew up in and carry it out to the next generation.

I never knew the significance of the Procession until such time that I reached High School and I was no longer participating in any of the processions. I did not find any meaning before, but when I figured that the activity is about sacrifice, penance and prayer, I felt like I had to do it again.


Fasting is not new to me, or to any of you, reading this article. It is about the sacrifice of not eating meat (to those who do) and for eating one full meal only during Good Friday.

Why is fasting important? As for me, it is not about the food. As they say, by not eating meat, we are not eating too much. Meat are considered as foods that increase our appetites (not so true though with vegetarians and vegans). Practically speaking, I eat more when I turn to fish as my meal.

The depth of fasting isn’t totally about NOT eating because I believe God never wanted anyone to starve himself. God always wants us to learn, but not starve.

So what is the Lord trying to teach us when we fast?

When we give up something, we give in to something else.

When we give up eating, we are giving in to the Lord that we are ONE WITH HIM now and always.

Again, fasting is not about eating or starving one’s self. It is about being one with the sacrifices of the Lord. After all, in one year, for us Catholics, it is only a single day that we totally forget ourselves to give way to the Lord to be in our hearts, minds and should I say… tummies.

Not Working on a Good Friday

This is one of the best practices that I have ever adopted from my Catholic family: keeping the Good Friday as the Holiest Day of the year. It is the time that we observe complete silence in the house. No one is allowed to do heavy work, not even exercising. No one is allowed to watch TV or be merry on this day.

According to my mother, my grandfather would always say, “this is the only time that we have to do this, not because we are forced to do it but because of the fact that we honor God’s presence in our lives and the sacrifices that He did for us. Imagine Jesus being crucified and here you go laughing and doing forms of merriment.”

Again, I have not written this to deconstruct meanings. I am not even sure if I’m near that goal of “seeking for the truth.” In our daily lives, we are given different chances to seek Jesus in many ways. And not for once should we lose sight of His Holy Presence in us.

Let us always remember that Jesus died for us, to redeem us from sins.

And He’s not asking us to die too. In fact, He wants us to live…following Him.

“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

-John 14:6


29 March 2013


Posted in Life's Daily Dose

Happy Message

Whenever I check my email, I’m particular with those emails coming from WordPress notifying me that I have new followers and likers.

Again, thank you so much for reading and following my blog.  You make me smile and make my heart bounce with joy. 😀


To God be all the glory for the talent He has blessed me with.


19 March 2013

Slim-Down Season: 7 Healthy Paleo Diet Recipes to Kickstart Your Bikini Body

Slim-Down Season: 7 Healthy Paleo Diet Recipes to Kickstart Your Bikini Body

I’m no longer the skinny girl that I used to be way back when I was still in the pep squad (YES! I’m a cheerleader for 8 straight years!). I definitely gained weight but not necessarily fat. I have been surfing the internet for possible diet tips; I’m also watching out for articles on weight management and other relevant stuffs.

And no, I’m not doing the “diet” because I’d like to be skinny or whatever. I just wanna keep my body healthy. My immune system’s really kinda weak and it needs lots of boosters to keep myself from having allergies, which I despise so badly. And hey, it’s SUMMER!!!! “,)

You may wanna check it out too!


So go and work that booty, yeah!


19 March 2013

Posted in Life's Daily Dose

Learn Me

Life’s gonna give you the same lessons, until you learn it. -Yanee Nambong

I have met Yanee way back year 2009. She’s been one of my few good friends after college. She’s also one of those non-traditional, apathetic, somehow insensitive few and can be awfully annoying when she doesn’t say a word to your 3-paragraph message. Oh, there’s a worse response, the word, “ok.”

She’s not as soft as she looks. She’s really way too fierce for her height. And perhaps, as she reads this, she’d be laughing her heart out. Hopefully. Oh, and before anything else, this is not about her life story. (I love you Yanee!)

Liking her is an understatement. All who truly know her, love her pretty much. Like I do.

She’s really an amazing person with a good heart and she’ll always tell her friends to keep their heads up and don’t forget to believe in themselves. The best thing about her is that she’s so understanding and loving.

One moment in my life, I was crying the heck out of me when I called her up and told her about my dilemma. She said, “Life’s gonna give you the same lessons, until you learn it.” Of course, it was a matter-of-fact statement. And between sobs, I was like, “Oh my gosh. Did you just say that? That’s the best knock-me-down statement I had today.” And she responded, “Well, did you learn the lesson?”

Alright. This is the beginning of the write-up.

When we feel as if the dilemma that we are in right now, is also a dilemma which feels like a dejavu, then we should think again. Did we really learn from the previous dilemma? Why does a certain experience/situation happen to us repeatedly?

Life is supposed to teach us lessons in various ways and in so long as we do not learn from it, it will repeat the whole process, until we figure out the lessons that we ought to learn. Admittedly, it’s more difficult to tell ourselves to do this and that while we’re in a particular situation. Because it is true that “it is easier said than done.”

However, we cannot just NOT do it because if we will not be doing it today, when will we do it? When will we learn? Like our subjects in school, there is an expiry date for our subjects. We either pass or fail. When we fail, we take the subject again.

So much like life.

We cannot get away from our situations, until we face them head-on.

What lessons have you learned so far? Have you really learned it?


13 March 2013,  12:43PM

Posted in Life's Daily Dose

Am I A Slave?

“When you cannot prevent yourself from breaking the rules and when you let your desires, laziness, selfishness and greed rule over you, it is not freedom. You are a slave.” -Fr. Richard (Priest, Don Bosco)

I attended the Community Mass yesterday. In all honesty, I was hesitant to attend because going there requires walking and the scorching heat feels like thousands of needles pricking my skin. Many times, we find ourselves saying the worst excuse for an hour-long activity for the Lord while shopping takes a whole day but we don’t complain about it.

The world that we live in right now, is so fast-paced that all we would like to do is keep up with it that we lost sight of our true and good selves along the way. Worst, we plunge right in, in the midst of temptations. After that, we no longer know how to get out. When we are doing the things we ought not to do, despite enjoying it, it is NOT freedom. We are not considered free. People should have their own power to rule over their emotions and desires, not the other way around.

When you feel as if the world is taking a toll on you, and you have no power to choose…think about this.

Am I free or am I a slave?


08 March 2013

My Defense of Unfulfilling Careers

My Defense of Unfulfilling Careers

“I suggest that we change our perceptions of career. I say, let’s recognize that work is work – it’s meant to pay the bills and feed our families. If it does more, recognize that – for the moment – you’re one of the lucky few. But focus on building your identity and finding your passion outside of the workplace. Stop expecting to find everything in one place. Isn’t it enough that your career provides means for survival? If it does that, it’s fulfilling its purpose. If you want it to define you, inspire you, and fulfill your passion in life, you may be asking for too much.”

– Chrissy Scivicque

I am truly happy that I came across this article online. It made me feel so much better.

The author is definitely right. Our career does and should not define who we are.

Our careers/professions/jobs are there because we have daily needs to fulfill but we don’t exist to succumb to it.


8 March 2013